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About the book


Looking to redecorate your home but don’t know where to start? In her book House Beautiful: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Beautiful Home Dr. Srabani Datta goes to the core of how to create you dream home through self-analysis. It is a step by step guide with easy to follow instructions, ideal for beginners and novices in interior decoration.  The book contains 30 useful hints and tips to avoid home decorating disaster.


This book is now selling on Amazon available both as Kindle and Paperback editions


FREE BONUSES with the Paperback Edition of the  book :

  • FREE one hour home decorating webinar from Dr. Srabani Datta

  • FREE DVD with pictures

  • FREE monthly Nazaki newsletter covering home designing and decorating issues !

  • RRP only £ 19.99



About the Author

The author started designing as a hobby from her childhood. She has travelled to many countries in the world, from China to USA, learning about many different cultures and picking up new ideas for home design and decoration.

Dr. Datta continued to follow her hobby of designing new products for the home, while working as a scientist. Soon, what started as a hobby became so successful that she founded the Nazaki home brand. Using ideas from different cultures found during her extensive travels, She began to create beautiful and elegant products for everyone, from simple designs to intricate artwork. 

Here is what Raymond Aaron, New York Times best selling author of the Chicken Soup and Dummies Series has to say about the book :

" Reading this book and following the instructions given in it will help the homeowner to create the house of her dreams. A house that not only looks glamorous but warm and friendly too. A house that is guaranteed to impress family and friends. A house to be proud of in years to come."

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Dr. Datta with New York Times Best Selling Author, Raymond Aaron in London.


Dr. Datta with  the famous author Dr. John DeMartini in London

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